Monday, November 30, 2015

Brooklyn skyline overlooking the freedom tower, the only building shining in the sky.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Many set themselves the aim of rescuing the indifferent and the lazy- and end up lost themselves. The flame within them gets dim with the passage of time. So, if you have the fire, run, since you never know when it may be doused, leaving you stranded in darkness. - John Climacus 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Rip skydive li

This past week i found out Skydive Li calverton closed down. I met some really awesome people in my time as ground photographer and i will miss this place so much. While i myself never jumped, the daily excitement in the air coupled with getting to do what i love for pay, made for the best job ive ever had.

Monday, October 5, 2015


"Anas platyrhynchos"
Serenity found, I find myself always returning to these nostalgic places that make me feel most at home.The wanderer in me craves the wilderness and the boundless freedom it offers. To be in solitude with no one but mother nature to keep you company for me is to be in my natural habitat. I respect animals such as the jaguar or the hawk, the apex preadators, who need no pack they hunt alone, I feel as a photographer I am one in the same with these creatures, lurking, quiet, calculated waiting for the prime moment to strike, when my prey is off guard and unasuming. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Walking home from the bus today my mind begins to wander into my subconcious, molecules of air dance in synchronicity melding the clouds with the earthly hues of a fading sunset. I take a moment to revel in the lucidity when the sights and sounds of a busy mastic snap me back to reality.